Olivier Ngo is the Higher Education and French Language Attaché at the French Consulate in Los Angeles (@FranceinLA) where he works to promote French language and to develop academic partnerships between the United States and France.
The mission of the French Embassy’s Cultural Services (@SpeakFrenchinLA) is to strengthen the presence of the French language in American primary, secondary, and post-secondary schools and to support research projects in Humanities and Social Sciences departments.
Christophe Poulet is an Environmental Health Scientist with the Region 8 Office in the Division of Community Health Investigations, National Center for Environmental Health, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (DTHHS/NCEH/ATSDR) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In his role as a Regional Representative, he provides technical assistance to federal, state, and local partners, including health education and emergency response. Since 2017, he has served as the technical lead for the Comprehensive Disaster Assessment and Readiness Tools Project (CDART). Additionally, he is the technical lead for the Cancer Cluster and Regional Activity Tracker Project.
Mr. Poulet has served as a Region 8 Representative for over 20 years. During his tenure, he has been involved in several major projects, including serving as an ATSDR Regional Lead for the Libby Montana Asbestos Site and as the federal public health contact for the Rocky Mountain Arsenal. He has significant experience in domestic and international emergency response in the roles of public health SME, Health and Safety, operations and logistics, including the 2005 Hurricane Katrina Response, a 2006 chemical spill in Côte d’Ivoire, the 2009 H1N1 response in Mexico City, the 2014-2015 Ebola Response in Guinea, the 2015 Gold King Mine Spill in Silverton CO, and the Hurricane Maria Response and Recovery in Puerto Rico. In 2005 and 2006 he completed a detail with the French InVS Departement Sante Environnement (DSE) and Paris Regional Office (CIRE Region Parisienne). From 2005 to 2010 he coordinated InVS DSE and CIRE training visits to ATSDR for the Public Health assessment Training Course.
Contact information: cgp8@cdc.gov
Dr. Ricote completed a four-year appointment at the Technical University of Denmark/Risø National Laboratory in Roskilde, Denmark where she developed PCFCs electrode materials, among other projects.
Dr. Ricote joined Mines in 2012 and has been working since on the development of protonic ceramic fuel cells and membrane reactors.
She has been elected as Chair of the Colorado Section of the American Ceramic Society.
Pierre-Yves Leclercq is originally from the West Coast of France and spent most of his career in the oil & gas and carwash industry in operations, sales, and general management positions.
Pierre-Yves currently lives in Denver since 2017 after working several years in Toronto in Canada, Paris and Orléans in France and Libreville in Gabon.
He enjoys spending time with his family, playing golf and discovering the outdoor activities of our beautiful state of Colorado.